Add your online store to the E-Komerco directory

E-Komerco in figures

This directory was published online on April 3, 2013

there are currently 80 sites waiting.
67 online stores linked.
0 suggestive themes
150 categories

This month:
Number of sites submitted:0
Number of sites rejected:0

The store descriptions have been viewed: 223 974 times.

Partner stores have been viewed: 0 times

The E-Komerco directory has a strong emphasis on the quality and reliability of the online stores it showcases:
We carry out regular checks on the stores showcased to identify and remove stores that no longer meet our requirements.

Conditions for inclusion

Directory management is not automated; sites are accepted manually and are visited, tested, and benchmarked - all of which takes human capital, meaning that we simply do not have time to spare.
Therefore, we would be grateful if you would take into account the following points before submitting a site:

E-Komerco is a merchant site portal, which means that there is no point in submitting a site that is unrelated to electronic commerce.

Moreover, sites containing the following content are systematically rejected or removed:
- under construction.
- white label sales.
- promoting illegal activities, infringing on others' legal rights, or selling weapons.
- obscene, abusive or racist.
- offering adult content.
- trading in illegal materials or substances.
- electronic cigarettes.

Form to submit a store

Before submitting your site, please ensure that it contains legal notices and terms and conditions.
If these requirements are not met, your site will not be included.

* Mandatory information.

(provide a valid e-mail address)

(Pay attention to your presentation, as this is the most important component of your link).

- This description must contain more than 600 characters and describe your store, your services and your products as precisely as possible.
- You must be rigorous with the quality of your spelling and grammar.
- The description may not be a copy/paste of a description already provided for another directory, or included in part of your site: it must be exclusively produced for E-Komerco.
If your description doesn't meet our standards for uniqueness and quality, your submission will be rejected.


(provide 5 key words to describe your business)



Additional address

Postal code


County/Region  Country: 

A return link is not compulsory, but if you believe that E-Komerco can help you to spread the word about your store and bring you visitors, we would appreciate it if you would talk about us. Otherwise, you can become a partner once your store has been accepted, via your webmaster area.

(entitles you to "partner" advantages)

Yes, for all order values 
Yes, with a minimum order of £ 

 Home delivery
 Delivery to a drop-off point
 In-store collection

 Credit or debit card
 Electronic wallet (e.g., PayPal)
 Gift card or voucher
 Bank transfer
 Store charge card
 Payment by installments or credit

This field is important: it allows you to stand out from other stores and is used to prioritize entries within each category

Receive information about E-Komerco from time to time  

Every site is visited by a human operator; however, to ensure the quality of the directory, not all stores are accepted for inclusion. We also recommend that you review your text before submitting the final version of this form.